You can now explore the new Podcast on Altered Stories Show featuring author Bobbie Cox. They discuss her inspirational book, Pause and Pray @ 1:11: New Habits Create Change, which encourages readers to integrate the 9 fruits of the Spirit into daily life. This devotional is designed to help form habits that foster personal growth and spiritual connection!

In this episode, I interview special guest, Bobbie Cox. Bobbie is an author, entrepreneur, twice widowed and ambassador of encouragement who has been involved in kingdom-building efforts around the world. Currently living in the Dallas area, Bobbie also works as a freelance consultant, connecting ministries to people with valuable skills.
In our authentic conversation, Bobbie shares her “NEW HABITS CREATE CHANGE” God Story about how how God guided her to start the Branch to Hope app to encourage people to come together and renew their lifestyles through prayer. She shares how God also told her that the focus of Branch to Hope was to be daily prayer and to add the Color of the Day Challenge, which includes bracelets and the daily devotional, prayer and color of bracelet for that particular day to intentionally creating new habits by weaving the Fruit of Jesus Spirit into our lifestyle each day. She shares how Jesus is with her through her struggles and how she creates a seat at her table for Him. In closing, she encourages others to listen to the Lord if they are feeling hopeless and without purpose to move forward in their lives.
This episode also includes a mental health tip from our ministry partner and licensed mental health professional, Sherrie Pucket.